Campaign Army Lists

Good Armies



Army of Lake-Town Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Army of Lake-town Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Army of Thror Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Erebor & Dale Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Erebor Reclaimed Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Erebor Reclaimed Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Iron Hills Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Survivors of Lake-Town Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Survivors of Late-town Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
The Iron Hills Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Thorin's Company Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)


Defenders of the Pelennor Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Garrison of Ithilien Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Minas Tirith Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Minas Tirith Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Reclamation of Osgiliath Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
The Dead of Dunharrow Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
The Fiefdoms Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)


Lindon Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Rivendell Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Rivendell Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Rivendell (The Hobbit) Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Rivendell (The Lord of the Rings) Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
The white Council Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
The White Council Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)


Army of Edoras Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Kingdom of Rohan Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Riders of Éomer Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Riders of Théoden Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Rohan Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Wildmen of Druadan Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
The Shire

The Shire

The Rangers Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
The Shire Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
The Shire Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Wood Elves

Wood Elves

Halls of Thranduil Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Halls of Thranduil Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Lothlorien Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Lothlórien Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Radagast's Alliance Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Rangers of Mirkwood Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)

Evil Armies



Angmar (The Lord of the Rings) Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Dark Denizens of Mirkwood Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Dark Powers of Dol Guldur Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Pits of Dol Guldur Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Rise of the Necromancer Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
The Trolls Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)


The Easterlings Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)


Corsair Fleets Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Corsairs of Umbar Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Far Harad Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Harad Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
The Serpent Horde Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Variags of Khand Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)


Army of the White Hand Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Isengard Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Lurtz's Scouts Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Muster of Isengard Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Sharkey's Rogues Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Uglúk's Scouts Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Wolves of Isengard Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Misty Mountains

Misty Mountains

Army of Gundabad Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Azog's Hunters Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Azog's Hunters Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Azog's Legion Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Depths of Moria Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Goblin-town Book: Armies of the Hobbit (Old)
Goblin-Town Book: Armies of The Hobbit (2024)
Moria Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)


Army of Gothmog Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Barad-Dur Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
Barad-dûr Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Cirith Ungol Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Legions of Mordor Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Minas Morgul Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Mordor Book: Armies of the Lord of the Rings (Old)
The Black Gate Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
The Black Riders Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)
Wraiths on Wings Book: Armies of The Lord of The Rings (2024)